Monday, April 5, 2010

Reflections of Easter

I know that a lot of people like to make a post about how General Conference influenced them and how amazing it was and even make it a missionary tool. I think they are great. But I have a confession: I don't really read those posts. I know. I said it. I think maybe it is because I have my own impressions from conference and just want to ponder those, or maybe it is the fear of reading a big block of reflective text with no pictures. Or maybe a little of both. Well, if you are like me, then you can stop here because I don't think there will be any *pictures in this one.

I am writing this because I think that I need to take more time to record my feelings. A few weeks ago, Dane and I (along with my entire matriarchal extended family) received a treasure from my grandparents. A book. Not just any book, but one that they have spent 10 years+ sweating over, in which they wrote their Legacy. It is filled with pictures and stories of their past up to the present, but mostly filled with their testimonies. Each story they share has a purpose, and that purpose I am sure was to declare to their posterity and the world their testimonies of Jesus Christ, and the restored Gospel. As I have soaked up their love through this book, I have been so impressed by the love they have for the Lord. I have learned so much about not only my grandparents, but my mother as well.

As I have read, very strong impressions have come to me. I want to leave that kind of Legacy for my family as well. I want to live a life devoted to my Savior. Such that my children know that I know He lives and that His is the way.

It could not have seemed more appropriate that this was the overwhelming message that I took from conference this weekend. On our way to the church Sunday morning, I was explaining to George, an investigator that we have been teaching with the missionaries, that the general authorities are not given an assigned topic to speak on. And that they prepare their own talks after much prayer and reflection as to what they feel is the most important message that the members of the church need to hear right now. I was blown away by the next 4 hours of teaching. I had already been impressed by the number of family centered talks from Saturday. But Sunday was incredible. It seemed to me that every talk was centered on the Savior, His Atonement for us, and how parents need to teach and prepare their children to rely on Him when they will be on their own facing, trials, sadness, and opposition. There were not the usual talks on tithing, temple attendance, the word of wisdom, missionary work, or even prayer. While each of those topics were mentioned, I don't think anyone could help but notice the overwhelming focus on the Savior and on strengthening families.

I think that we have hard times ahead of us. Actually, I know we do. The world is definitely changing. How profound that this was the message from the prophets to a church where many of us may be single, without children or even past the time of raising their children. Oh how we must all "...remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall." (Hel. 5:12)

The wonderful news about this is that when we do build our foundations on Christ, WE CANNOT FALL!

Dane and I just sort of smiled at each other when we said, oh I wish we could just remember EVERYTHING that we learned this weekend, so that when we do have children, we will be perfect parents! :) Like that is possible. And that is why we keep listening to conference. Why we keep going to church, reading our scriptures, and praying. Everyday. It is so important.

I am so grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the hope and peace it brings into my life. I know that He lives and loves me. He really does direct our paths if we will let Him. And for anyone out there wondering if this is for you. Yes. Yes it is.

*Stay tuned for some more post to come about, 1. being stuck in Seattle, 2. Nashville, 3. our pizza party, and 4. visitors from, I really am way behind on blogging...These posts will have pictures. I promise.


mom/Janet said...

This really inspired me Bridget. I too was overwhelmed with the talks on parenting and families and the Savior. Made me wish I could start over again but that won't happen so I'll work on myself. You'll be great parents because you are humble and teachable.

Abbie said...

Cool post B. And I read it when I usually don't read posts about conference/testimony stuff. Call me bad, whatevs. :) I can't wait to see your post about visiting us. :)

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