Wednesday, August 3, 2011

look-a-like contest

I have been looking at some old photos of Lynlee and some of her relatives, and thought that I should share.  First of all, everyone asks us who we think she looks like more, me or Dane.  I personally, don't see either of us in her, she just looks like Lynlee to me.  But if I look at baby pictures, she for sure looks a lot more like Dane did than I did when we were her size.  

So here is Dane at 6 months:

They don't look completely the same, but I see Lynlee's eyes and long face in this picture, don't you?
This weekend, Lynlee's cousin, Ella, and her mom (Dane's sister, Abbie) have been staying with us.  Ella is now 3 years old, and so Abbie and I were looking  back at baby pictures of Ella when she was Lynlee's size.  They definately have their own look, but I thought they looked really similar.  Same shape of head, same Smith eyes.  This is Ella at 6 months:

And last but not least, here is Lynlee about a month ago so you have something to compare:


Melissa DeLeon said...

Ok, so its not that I don't see you in Lynlee (esp. when I compare to the kindergarden photo you have on the sidebar of your blog), but yeah, in every picture lately I keep thinking "baby-girl Dane with blonde hair." But, it may be more that way in photos.

mom/Janet said...

You should have posted a picture of yourself as a baby so we can see the difference. She definately has my babies eyes. Big and wide open. She's a cutie.

Abbie said...

I loved this post! I can actually see the resemblance between her and Ella much better with the pictures you included. :)

Aunt Beth said...

Seriously, I thought that pic of Ella was Lynlee before I read that it was Ella.

What a fun post.

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