The weekend of April 23, Dane and I were in the airport with our bags packed and ready to fly to California, but because of a last-minute-scheduled doctor's appointment, we raced across the terminal to catch a flight to Salt Lake. We were sad not to be going to see our beloved friends in Santa Rosa, but very excited to get back to Utah to see so many people. We were able to visit our ward in Provo and spend much needed time with family.
Dane's doctor's appointment was Monday. He got both his back and leg x-rayed, and to our relief there was no problem with his back. His leg however, created a little more of a comical picture. In the x-ray you could easily see what was creating the strange lump behind his right knee. It looked like a finger had decided to grow right out of his leg. "That'll have to come off." Is what Dr. Myers said, and so we have an appointment to get a specialists diagnosis in June after we move back.
That afternoon we couldn't make the last flight back to Houston, so we caught the first flight home Tuesday morning. We were so grateful that the managers at Dane's work were so understanding! Thank you!!!
As we had a little extra time in Utah, we were able to be there to interview for a job as a managing couple of a singles' complex. This is a job that we have had our eyes on for the last year or so, and it was a miracle that we could meet with the owners of the complex on such short notice. Even though this job didn't ever really seem like something that was "so us", I had felt so strongly about perusing it. I knew it would be a great opportunity.
The interview went well, and I spent the next few days emailing back and forth with the owners about my resume, Dane's resume...etc. The owner mentioned that she liked my
panda shoes that I had been wearing at the interview, and as it also came up that I was an art teaching major at BYU, she let me know about a position that was opening up in the fall for an art teacher at a local elementary school. She didn't know if I was interested but thought she would just let me know.
WOW! I was stunned. I was so excited. I put in my application within the next two days. I couldn't sleep, I was so excited and so grateful that she would be so thoughtful as to share that with me. Being in Houston, I have been a little disconnected from the job market back in UT. I have a job waiting for me when I get back, and I guess I had just let my dreams of having my own classroom someday slip into the back of my mind. Even thought that is what I really want to do, it just seemed impossible to find what I was looking for: full time, in Provo. And there it was. WOW.
So by the time I had everything in, we had been home about a week (and we had gotten word from the apartment complex owner that they had chosen another couple for the managing position). So, now it is Tuesday again. The teaching job closed on Friday. Friday afternoon (2 weeks after we left for SLC the first time) I got a call from the Principle at Edgemont Elementary. He wanted to know if I could come in for an interview on Monday. Dane checked the space available for the weekend, there was room (miracle!), I said, "Of course!" And Dane and I packed our bags and were out the door within the hour.
So just like that, we were off to Utah again. This was actually a great weekend to be in Utah. Dane's buddies from his freshman year had planned a reunion in Provo for Saturday night because a lot of them graduated and we were able to make it! Here are a few pics of the gang:

Also, Dane's great-uncle
Grant Bangerter passed away earlier that week and his funeral was Saturday morning. It was so good to be there for both of those things. Dane's mom, Dale and Leisa, and lots of other family had come in town for the funeral, and it was wonderful to see them. The funeral services were beautiful and It was inspiring to hear about what an influential church leader and missionary that Uncle Grant had been.
Dane flew home Sunday night and I went into my interview Monday afternoon. I felt really good about it, and got pretty excited talking to the principle about the kind of art program they had in mind for the students at Edgemont. The said they would let me know within about a week, I said goodbye and put the rest in the hands of the Lord.
There have been times in my life when I wanted something so badly and after sincere prayer have not gotten them. Looking back, I am grateful the Lord is in control, and with those experiences, I felt a lot of peace about the teaching job. I knew that whatever happened, the Lord's will would be exercised and that He really knew what was best.
The next day, as I waited for Dane to pick me up at IAH, I checked my voice mail and almost dropped my phone when I heard the voice of Dennis Pratt, the principle at Edgemont, saying he wanted to talk to me more about the position. I called him back, and to my delight, was offered the job!!! I cannot tell you how grateful I am for this opportunity. It really is such a blessing. It all worked out so well. I never would have heard about the job if we hadn't interviewed for the management position. The Lord works in mysterious ways.