Then, last weekend Dane had a ton of studying to do and I took it as a chance to go visit my sister, Joanne, who lives in Mason City, Iowa, and be there for her son's birthday and baptism. Now, I am not sure if Dane would admit this, but one of the biggest distractions for him (when it comes to things like tying to study) is loneliness. So, he flew back to Seattle to study with Emalei and Fabio, who are both in grad school and have plenty of studying of their own to get done.
Honestly, a part of us really does wish that we could fly to Seattle every weekend, and we know that we WILL be back there if not once, but a couple of times. But we have a lot more places to go. So for the next few months I am warning you that this might seem a little like a travel blog.
And now what you all have really been waiting for, pictures from your trips:
One of the greatest things about Continental is that they are one of the only domestic carriers that still serves in-flight meals. Our "enchilada" with a salad, a treat and of course, hot sauce.

We flew on a 737-900, which means nothing to me, but to Dane it means in-flight entertainment: Direct TV.

Of course we had to go for a walk in Discovery Park!
We met up with Melissa and Monico our first night in Seattle and went to a great Mexican place in Magnolia. They were a ton of fun.

Too bad we ate it all up before we could get a very good picture. But this is a pretty good indicator that is was really yummy, right?

Saturday, Fabio and Emalei took us to a charming little bakery in town for lunch. I wish I remembered what it was called. Just in case you wanted to know, they have been 100% organic since 1985.

Inside the cafe. (Oh yeah, it is called The Essential Baking Co...thank you, sign.)
You might be seeing a trend by really was all about the food on this trip, I guess. And this place was so good, this is the only picture we got here too. Dane had a Reuben and I had a "yam-witch".

After lunch, we went rode the fairy to Gig Harbor. Such a beautiful view of the city and a fun ride.
THIS is why we went to Gig Harbor! To check out the hottest new attorney's office. Welcome to the Ambrosio Law Firm! (I think Fabio was looking at Emalei's camera.....what a nannerpussu.)
After stopping at the office, what did we do next? Have a snack, of course. This little cafe was really cute, called Java and Clay. You can get scones and drinks like this in one half, and the other half is a place you could paint pottery, kind of like a Color Me Mine.

One last treat to enjoy in the airport watching planes before flying home.
So, I feel like a dork, because I totally forgot to take my camera to Iowa when I went to see Joanne, but luckily my mom didn't! So I only have a few but these turned out pretty well.
Alec, my nephew, with Ben, my brother-in-law, right before the baptism in Mason City. He was soooo excited. I love my nephews in Mason City! They are so full of energy and love. It was really special to be there for this day. Congrats, Alec!

At Joanne's house right before heading to the airport with Mom, Dad, me, Joanne, Ben, and Ben's mom, Shauna Woods.