I know what a lot of you must be thinking (because I was thinking it myself), "What? ANOTHER vacation?!" I know. We really had no pressing reason in particular, but Dane and I were feeling that we needed to take another week off and visit his family in WA. Maybe being in Alaska for a week just didn't fill the need-to-go-home-and-visit-hole... :)
So, off we went, last week for another week. We spent lots of time at Mama and Papa Smith's house in Prosser, went on a few really great bike rides, spent a little time in Seattle with Emalei and Fabio and then drove back to Provo last Thursday, caravanning with Dale. (Yay for Dale moving back to Utah!!) So here are some highlights from our trip...each of which are taken from our phones' cameras because we somehow managed to forget to actually take a camera on our trip. We are somewhat helpless in that area. At least we took some pictures right?

This is a view of the Puget Sound from Alki Beach.

Here I am in front of Pike's Place Market. Apparently it's a pretty famous place in Seattle, that I should be a little shy to say I had not heard of before this trip... :)

One of the famous stops in the market: the fish market. These guys get pretty wild and are known for throwing fish all over the place. If you look closely, the guy behind me on the right just caught a big, wild, alaskan salmon in some paper.
That night, Emalei and Fabio took us to see a beautiful Japanese garden. (These pics were taken by Emalei.) I couldn't help but laugh at the branch that Dane managed to tangle himself in here. :)
We walked around this pond full of HUGE carp. For some reason, they started following us around to each little spot we stopped at.

On our drive back to Prosser, we had to go by Mt. Rainier. Hopefully next year, we will have some time to go backpacking!

And last but not least we spent a lot of time just hanging out at the house. I love puzzles and Dane found this one of Mt. Rainier and pulled it out for me. I didn't have time to finish, but it was a lot of fun.
Thanks for a great time Mom and Dad Smith! We miss you already and hope to see you again soon!
i'm jealous of all your vacations! i did love visiting Seattle this summer too, though. pikes place is pretty fun!
oh sorry that was Sarah F. i was signed in with the Surf N Slurp blog name :)
What about the Columbia River Temple, and the onion shed not to mention just hanging out and of course the boys cleaning my windows. It was so fun. Wish you were closer.
I'm impressed with the picture quality from your cell phones. I especially liked the pic of you two with Mt. Ranier in the background.
Aunt Beth
Wow, Washington looks GORGEOUS! I need to go there!
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