So, yes, unfortunately I am still in search of employment. I guess I gave everyone a lot of information about what was going on in my last post about this and then didn't follow up. Sorry if I gave you the impression that I was no longer searching. Unfortunately my lack of follow up was due to a lot of those employers not really following up either.
Sad to say, however, as I have been searching for the last few weeks for more options, today I finally heard back from my "original four". The job search continues....
I cannot tell you how many jobs I have applied for over the last week, let alone over the last month. Today it was about 17. I can already tell you that I would be way good at most of those, but my resume doesn't have
exactly what they want it to say, like 2 years experience working in the same exact job that I am applying for, (p.s. none of them really pay that well, so if I had a job working somewhere else doing the same thing, why would I apply for these jobs? Seems like a pay cut to me!!) so, needless to say, I would be lucky to get into most of them for even an interview, but I know something is bound to work right? Let's try to be optomistic here...
One of the most frustrating things about searching for jobs online, as opposed to knowing someone there is that employers post a job and then proceed to get literally hundreds of applications and resumes everyday. So basically, I have no hope. (At least that is how I am starting to feel.) Especially because I have resorted to applying for jobs at places like PetCo. Which, don't get me wrong, there really isn't anything wrong with working at PetCo--to be honest, I love animals, and I would love to work there. BUT I don't know if they are interested in hiring ANYONE like me. Why you may ask? Well, I am pretty ambitious, want to work hard, have a bright future ahead of myself, and am very qualified. Granted I haven't ever actually opperated a real cashregister, but how hard can it be? I think if anything, having a bachelor's degree might over qualify me.
I feel like if I actually made it into an interview at somewhere like PetCo (or I have also applied at Einstein's Bagels) they woule hire either someone older with little education, who looks like they are there for the rest of their lives because they aren't really qualified for anything else, or a high school/ college student with a similar sittuation as mentioned previously.
So, maybe that is being a little pessimistic, and judgmental. I guess I really did come off like I was venting....So on the brighter side, I do have some jobs that I still feel a glimmer of hope for getting, and I have an interview tomorrow morning to be a sub for Provo School District. I will definately keep you all posted and don't worry, you will hear when there is good news. :) I think when I get a job I am going to run around the whole city shouting with joy, so hopefully you should hear without too much delay. :)
So, in the mean time I have been enjoying lots of sleep, exercise, re-painting some of the rooms in our house (pics to come) because everything is white, and trying to get motivated to do the little things. Life really is good. I guess today was just one of those days. I am so blessed to have a husband who loves me and who loves what he is studying.