Thursday, December 11, 2008

We have some amazing news!!!

Bridget and I entered a contest at a gas station a few weeks ago, and we got a call today that we won!!! They told us that they would send us an e-mail, and that I (Dane) was the person who won! Bridget and I entered separately to increase our chances of winning, and I won! We will be going to Disney World In Florida on January 9th to witness all the changes they've made for me!!


Linnea said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is so awesome! I hope you guys have a blast!

Katey said...

That's hilarious! I may send one of those videos to my parents.

Abbie said...

So I get that the video is a joke. But are you really going to Disney World? I would think that living in Utah, they would send you to Disneyland...

mom/Janet said...

I am so proud that I was not a sucker for your joke this time. I thought before I even started watching the video that it was a joke. I'm surprised that Abbie is questioning it's validity. I want to know why they didn't interview you in the video. Now.......why don't you post something about what you two have been up to lately.

aftonicole said...

did you really win a trip? If so I am so jealous! If not the video is great!

Haylee said...

Ha ha ha!!! That is unreal!! I love that they never acutally say "Dane Smith" Did you get this off a sight or something where you can just type in your name!!? That is so funny! I wonder if I would have fallen for it had I not talked to you first!

Chillygator said...

That girl at the end "taking pictures" doesn't even have her camera on....

Where did you get it? That's so cool!

Sarah F said...

i'm so happy for you guys! how fun!

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