Dearest family, friends and blog, this is Bridget? Do you remember me? Yeah, it has been a while. Now, I am not going to make any promises that I can be perfect at this, but I hope now that school is over, I should be better at this. (yup that's right, school really is over...) I have so much to catch you up on and I am going to do my best to fill you in while not making this post a novel:
So, I finished student teaching, I am almost officially a certified art teaching in the state of Utah, I just need a few forms to be filled out online. I love it! I had no idea how much I would love being a teacher. The hours are long, but I come home from the day happy and laughing from all that has gone on. Thank you to all who supported me!
I was called to jury duty, well this was my third time, but the first time the trial has actually gone through all the way and I got to sit in the jury box and feel like I was in a movie while they selected the jury. I, unfortunately, was not selected, but it was a good experience. And to be honest it felt a little like an experience Dane and I had a few weeks before that:

We went to a murder-mystery party put on through BYU. It was so fun! We went up to Springhaven Lodge in Hobble Creek and were assigned to be "ambassadors" from Germany. Each person in the audience was an ambassador from somewhere, we interacted with the characters, and then at the end got together with our countrymen to figure out who did what in the murder.... Guess what? We figured it out! Yeah, that's right, go Germany! So, they gave each person a bottle of Martinellie's sparkling cyder as a reward. We felt cool.

For some reason, I couldn't help but remember the counceling that went on during the murder-mystery party when I was sitting on the stand waiting for jury selection....he he. I know, it really would not have been anything like that, but what can I say, my imagination was going wild :).
Well, that is it for now...mostly because I don't have anymore pictures to make this interesting, but don't worry, there is more to come!