I haven't forgotten that
we I have blog. And I haven't forgotten that there are a few people out there who do in fact read it. I guess I just needed a little break for whatever reason. I don't claim to be any bussier than anyone out there, but maybe it was just a mental thing.
When ever I get into good habits of blogging I start having visions of my blog being something more than it really is. Something like all the famous Utah-Mormon-stay-at-home-moms have created out of their blogs. So, then I get discouraged and pushed away, but let's be honest, people. The only reason I do this is to keep a record. And for the pictures. And I haven't been doing a very good job at that lately.
So, since it has been a while, here are a bunch of pictures for your viewing pleasure.
Most every day of this summer included time spent in the front yard and ALWAYS included water in some way. Lynlee could not get enough of it! |
For the 4th of July, Dane celebrated by running the Freedom Run 10K. The start and finish were only a few blocks from our house, so it was easy to get Lynlee up and dressed to go cheer him on. |
I ran my first half marathon ever. But this was no ordinary race. It was the first anual Aunt Beth Memorial run. Dane and his family put it together for me because I had registered to run a race but missed it because it was on the same morning as her funeral. I have to say, I have the best in-laws in the world. |
Dane went to Vegas for 2 weeks to complete all of his flight instructor certifications in an accelerated program. It was insane and probably the worst 2 weeks of my life. Not seeing him was so hard. He was under an incredible amount of stress to perform and get done in time. And on top of that I had a miscarriage while he was gone. I would never wish this experience or even part of it on anyone. BUT we are SO glad he is done, and now an official CFI! (certified flight instructor) |
Lynlee and me spending some quality time together, learning how to use the photo app on an iphone. She is getting pretty good. |
We made pretty good use out of this little back pack this summer going for lots of hikes and walks. Here we are on our way up to Stewart Falls above Aspen Grove. |
I can't even handle how cute it is when this little girl gets ahold of corn on the cob. |
Or even an ice cream cone for that matter. This is Lynlee with her cousin, Zoey. They are just 6 days apart. |
Lynlee can never resist joining me for my exercises on the floor. |
One night after dinner at the mall, we hopped on the carousel. Lynlee couldn't stop saying "neh, neh" the entire time. She loves horses. |
In September, Dane's family got together for a family vacation at New Port Beach. It was so much fun to spend time with everyone and Lynlee loved her cousins. |
Cousins at the hotel in New Port Beach, CA |
And of course we had to take a day and head over to Disneyland! |
Dane went on lots of bike rides this summer and took some amazing photos of the fall leaves. Who can resist a scene like this? |
Lynlee has started saying "cheese" when we take pictures of her. I can just here it so clearly when I look at this! |
We moved into a new place in Provo and I got a job as an apartment manager at the end of August. We had so much help from friends and neighbors for the move it was overwhelming. It was so amazing. Many of my friends came over to clean the day before we left. They brought their kids and took turns watching them so the other mom's could clean. Eventually the kids got bored playing and wanted to help. So we set them to work with spray bottles of water and rags. It was so cute. |
Fall is here! So we went for our anual drive to see the leaves in Alpine Loop. |
Lynlee has been skipping a lot of her naps lately. One night a few weeks ago, Dane took her to the grocery store to get some things for dinner (on a day she had skipped her nap) and she fell asleep in the car on the way. She stayed asleep in his arms the whole time. |
Not only is Dane a CFI, but he is employed! Here he is at UVU with one of his students, Brian, before Brian took his first solo flight. |
Lynlee was an elephant for Halloween this year. I fell in love with this costume at Costco and went to about 5 different Costco's to find the right size. This picture is at our ward "trunk-or-treat". It didn't take Lynlee very long to figure out the process of going from car to car. |
A few more pictures from California--Lynlee chasing birds at the beach |
Abbie, Dane's sister, took some new family pictures for us in California |
How can you resist this little sweety? |
And last but not least, I finished my first "official" half marathon today! I was soooo cold. We started up at Sundance and ran down Provo Canyon. |